Mindfulness-Nurturing an Open Heart and a Quiet Mind

Lilies and LotusThe pressures and pace that most of us experience in our daily lives, creates an ongoing sense of tension as we struggle to balance it all. We find ourselves busy doing, striving, planning, reacting and often functioning on autopilot. Living our lives in a chronic state of relative unawareness can result in missing out on much of what is most beautiful and meaningful in our lives. We may be physically present but mentally living in the past or the future and out of touch with the only moment we have-now.

Cultivating mindfulness offers an alternative way to move through our days. Mindfulness is about being awake in the present moment. The willingness to stop and be present leads to seeing and relating to life with more clarity and directness. In turn, this can lead to the discovery of deep relaxation, calmness and greater insight into ourselves. Paying attention allows for the possibility of choosing our responses to life’s challenging situations rather than reacting out of habit or fear.

Please join me for an 8-week in depth course on cultivating mindfulness. The next available session will begin in April 2024